File sharing landing in next release of Salut à Toi

goffi 28/05/2018, 07:24 SàT XMPP jabber-xmpp-en project

Last big feature before the preparation of alpha release, file sharing is now available for Salut à Toi.

SàT has been able to send or receive files for years, either directly when 2 people are connecting at the same time, or via an HTTP upload on the server. It is now possible to share a file hierarchy, or in other words one or several directories. There are 2 main uses cases: using a component, or a client.

sharing a directory with Cagou

Sharing directory with client

The first way to use file sharing is from device to device. It can be used, for instance, to share pictures taken from your phone with your desktop computer, or to quickly give access to discussion papers to your coworkers. To handle permissions, you just have to give the JIDs (XMPP identifiers) of allowed people.

The transfer is using Jingle technology, which will choose the best way to send the file. That means that if you are on the same local network (e.g. the previous case of sharing your phone picture with desktop computer, when you're at home), the connection will stay local, and the server will only see the signal (the data needed to establish the connection).

But if your devices are not on the same local area network, connection is still doable, and it will try to be direct when possible.

file sharing with a client

Above you can see how easy it is to share a directory with Cagou, the desktop/Android frontend of Salut à Toi.

File sharing component

SàT can now act as a component (which is more or less a generic server plugin), and a first one allows a user to upload, list and retrieve files.

This is really handy when you want to keep some files private for later use (and access it from any device), or to share a photo album, for instance, with your family.

This is on the way to a service similar to "cloud storage", except that you may keep control on your data.

file sharing with a component

As you can see, it's pretty similar to the workflow with client.

With the invitation system now available in SàT, you can even share with people without account.

Some notes

File transfer is currently unencrypted, but encryption is planed soon, either with OX (OpenPGP) or OMEMO.
The base feature is there and working, but some improvements are planed at more or less short term: quotas, files synchronization, e2e encryption, advanced search.


You'll find instruction on how to use this feature on the wiki.

Of course you'll need to use development version, don't hesitate to ask for help on SàT room : (or via browser).

A package is now available for Cagou on AUR for Arch Linux, thanks to jnanar.

Help needed!

SàT is a huge project, with a strong ethical root. It's unique in many ways, and needs a lot of work. You may help its success either by supporting us on Liberapay or by contributing (check official website or join our room for details).

Next post will be about alpha release, stay connected ;)

Build a decentralized internet with Libervia (Salut à Toi) !

goffi 25/01/2018, 19:53 SàT XMPP jabber-xmpp-en project

Among many novelties of Salut à Toi in the next release (0.7), one has specially big potential: Libervia (the web frontend) is now a web framework.
"Yeah but there already so many of them!" I 've heard you saying… That is true, but this one is decentralized.

Building on standards, having tools for decentralization

Using existing accounts

So, Libervia is based on SàT and XMPP in order to help you to build or rebuild the web. But why? Well, first the authentication, which is used on most websites nowadays, use the account you alread have. No, I'm not talking about the account on the big blue stuff or the noisy bird, but about your XMPP account, the one you are using with SàT, Movim, Gajim, Conversations or Pidgin, the one, in which your data can be located in your living room, and the one in which you can use any name you choose; the one that does not tract your activity.

The developer doesn't have to worry about this, and the users don't have to create yet another account on each website, or to use an account from a big central website (and then tell to web data hoovers where, when and to what you did connect).

Other advantage: we take profit for existing software. If you want to integrate other authentication ways (for instance if you want to use your GNU/Linux accounts), you just have to activate the suitable thing on your server (check this prosody list for instance, you'll surely find similar lists for other servers).

Pubsub, the decentralized database

XMPP is not a single technology, but rather a basis for a variety of coherent technologies, and pubsub is one of them. As a reminder, with it you can store data (or "items") in "nodes" (which can been seen as tables or collections in other databases), on "services".

A service can be anywhere on the network : in the same location as your web server, on the other side of the Earth, on the intranet or on a .onion in Tor network. Of course it's possible to keep data locally if needed, in particular for caching.

Let’s talk about cache, pubsub has a really nice property: we can subscribe to a node to be notified when there are changes on it (new data, data update or deletion). Taking benefit from this gives Libervia an automatic cache system: a page can be automatically put in cache, and later can be invalidated as soon as a modification happen. That is an other thing to simplify developer's life, and to improve the speed for the user.

Simplify life

Libervia has been thought to make things easy :

Appearance change

The framework is entirely based on template engine (jinja2). It is really straightforward to create new themes (from doing simple CSS change to major changes in pages structure). You just have to create a new directory with theme name, and to modify what you want, and only what you want: pages from default theme will be used if needed.

Integration between server and client

A bunch of tools are there to facilitate integration between client (in the browser) and the HTTP server. For instance, you just have to set "dynamic = True" in your Libervia page on server side to automatically activate a bidirectionnal dynamic communication system with the browser (based on websockets). A method can be used to send data at any time to the page, and an other one is called when data are emited from the browser.

This will go deeper in the 0.8 release, with the planed integration of Python to Javascript transpileur/interpreters. Libervia is using so far Pyjamas, a project which is not maintained anymore and which is transpiling an obsolete Python 2. To avoid future blocking on a single option, developers will have the choice to use a Python transpiler/interpreter (Brython and Transcript are planed), Simple Javascript ("vanilla"), or if they really like pain, any currenly popular Javascript framework.

Handling common tasks

A translation system is natively integrated (using Babel), and also filters for dates, backend UI templates rendering, or forms creation.

Templates are built to be reusables, so it's easy to include, for instance, comments in page.

A symbiotic ecosystem

I'll stop here for features, though the list is not finished (it's for instance possible to generate static website à la Pelican or Hugo).

This new tool has already been used in severals features in the incoming release, notably with the tickets or merge requests handlers that I have announced recently.

Next release of Salut à Toi will be an achievement, the first version ready for production, and is now a whole ecosystem to communicate, create, or do collaborative work, compatible with the rest of XMPP family.

If you want to stay up to date, follow my blog (which is using Libervia), or join us on our room

If you want to support us, you can either join the association, or help us on Liberapay.

Other news to come soon…


edhelas 25/01/2018, 20:57

XMPP based tickets and merge requests with SàT

goffi 05/12/2017, 01:53 SàT projet nouveauté libre GNU-linux jabber-xmpp-en

Lot of work has been done in the past months, letting little time to talk about the novelties. Let's have a look at the most recent one.

For Salut à Toi development, we don't want to use proprietary or centralized software and we use Mercurial, so we have been reluctant to use current popular platforms. With the recent improvments of our SàT pubsub component (see, and of Libervia, our web frontend, it became clear that our old idea of using XMPP and SàT to handle tickets became close at hand, so we did it.

SàT is now able to handle tickets on top of XMPP, using Pubsub. There are many advantages

  • it's decentralized and federated, no need to have X accounts to use X tickets handlers. You can also import tickets from third party projects (e.g. plugins for your project) into your website.
  • it's standard: we can handle or fetch tickets in third party servers easily, without proprietary API.
  • it's very flexible: any field can be used, and the mechanism can be used for any list (bug tracker, TODO list, shopping list, etc.)
  • being based on SàT, it's usable on any platform
  • it can be used with gateways, allowing to use transparently tickets from other services (think about Gitlab or Github for instance)

The working is based on pubsub with an experimental addition: node schema which allows to specify a form (using data forms) which will be enforced on each item. This way tickets published by third party clients can be checked and validated. Pubsub offers permission mechanisms allowing to have public or private collections of tickets (nodes in pubsub terms). Comments are using the microblog (which really should have been called blog) feature of XMPP.

But that's not all! On top of that an other feature has been implemented: merge requests. The idea is to have a way to propose contributions in a agnostic way, meaning this can be used with Mercurial, Git, or potentially any tool. Once again we enjoy decentralisation here, and we can have contributions between people on different servers.

Below is a small video showing an example of merge request. We use jp (SàT's CLI frontend) to send a modification to a server. By default, the backend will try all registered merge requests handlers until it find one which can manage the given repository. There is a small wrapper around the command to do basic operations (notabily creating the data to export), the data and metadata are then formatted and send to the pubsub node. For now, only Mercurial is implemented, but git will definitely follow, and maybe a simple diff based handler for basic cases.

Note : if you want to do a merge request for Salut à Toi on, you'll just have to enter from your working directory:

jp merge-request set

Of course the feature is new and it's quite rough: it is not yet possible to specify which lines of a patch we comment, or to use rich formatting. This will of course come soon, but if you want to have it faster, well, merge requests are welcome ;)

You can see it on our bug tracker.

For people in Paris, I'll be at Paris Open Source Summit (booth A2, "Salut à Toi") on Wednesday and Thursday. If you want to support the project, we are on Liberapay.

See you soon for an other post on SàT novelties…

Presentation of Libervia/Salut à Toi at Linuxwochen (Wien)

goffi 10/05/2016, 20:05 SàT projet libre jabber-xmpp-en


a short message to give you the link to our talk explaining Salut à Toi and Libervia at Linuxwochen in Vienna (Austria), 2 weeks ago.
The talk is in english, and we do a live demo of an installation with docker images, and publishing to the blog graphically with Libervia or directly in console with Vim. Thanks to the Linuxwochen team for inviting us and organising this nice event!

Talking about Vim, a new Emacs frontend has been started by Xavier Maillard (screenshot below), so nobody is jealous ;)

We have also started working on Cagou, our new desktop/mobile device frontend.

For more details, you can come to talk in our room:

First image of Sententia, the new Emacs frontend:

first image of Sententia

Cagou: XMPP based social network on its way to reach your desktop and Android

goffi 14/09/2016, 20:56 SàT projet libre jabber-xmpp-en

Hi to you,

It's time for a blog post on Cagou development.
Cagou is the new desktop/Android frontend for "Salut à Toi" (SàT), the full-featured social network based on standards (XMPP) and with a strong emphasis on ethics.

This frontend is using the very nice Kivy framework, and is already usable on desktop.

Let's see a video on the current state:

As you can see, the interface can be divided easily. This idea is inspired by the excellent Blender interface, and make it easy to adapt to a small or big screen by choosing the number of widgets accordingly.
Instead of being a discreet software that you'll use only when you want to answer to somebody, Cagou is an application which should be used full-screen, with a layout suiting the current needs.

Other important point: the contact list is not the central element (as it is usually in instant messaging software). You can access it by selecting the widget, or put it on the side to simulate traditional layout, but it is not visible by default and you can spend a whole session without using it.

widget selection

About notifications, it will be slighly different on desktop and on platforms with their own notification system (like Android). In the later case, the native way will be used.
On desktop, a specific header is used. 2 cagou icons (thanks to Muchoslava for its contributions) can appear: one on the left for notes (i.e. short messages which will automatically disappear), and one of the right for more important notifications, needing attention from the user.
A click on the left icon will show the last 10 notes, and one the right one show the next important notification.

This was made to avoid popups: they are displayed only after an interaction of user, and will not appear all of a sudden while you are writting a message.

notification example

Thanks to the architecture of SàT, menus are already available with a couple of useful actions.

There are several ways to start a chat: you can click on an item in the contact list, or enter a jid (XMPP identifier) in a chat widget.
Discussions are not closed when you switch widget, and they can be later accessed by swiping the current one (see video below).

There have been a lot of work done and the interface starts to be really usable. Concerning the desktop the greatest part is already finished, the most important remaining thing is to adapt interface to features (e.g. displaying of delivery reciept) and to make new widgets.

The other big thing to cope with would be displaying of HTML content and of course the Android port. An Ubuntu touch port is an eventuality.

And for those who wonder: Cagou will as well benefit from end-to-end encryption (for now OTR, but OpenPGP is planned for next release, OMEMO is considerated), and other SàT features

The project is still in active progress, but it is really demanding. If you can contribue in any way – code, distributions packages, tests, graphics, translations, etc. – please contact us by any mean shown on our website.

Last but not least, we reminds all of the Aziruka contributors of the crowdfunding campaign, that they can claim their counterpart if not done yet (or request it later).

See you soon :-)

Want a decentralized, encrypted, Free (as in freedom) “social” app on Android and desktop ?

goffi 26/10/2015, 14:03 GNU-Linux jabber-xmpp-en SàT projet

We have just launched a crowdfunding campaign to develop a new frontend to Libervia, and port it to Android (in a native application!). (subtitles available in many languages).

If the campaign is successful, we'll have a unique tool. Here are only a few features managed by Libervia:

  • blogging/microblogging: we have a decentralized blogging engine based on XMPP, no need to create an account/validate an email to post a comment
  • instant messaging, single or multi-user, with a lot of features
  • end to end encryption: we already manage OTR for single chat, there is a good probability that we also implement OMEMO/Axolotl
  • file sharing: being file uploading or P2P transfer
  • group permissions: similarly to what others call “circle” or “aspect”, you can share with only your friends or your family
  • a lot more, check (and don't miss the experimental ones)

In addition we are a non-profit association focusing on ethic, we want to make a good tool, not a place for advertisements!

So if you are looking for next-gen communication tool, please support us and share the link:

Thanks !

Libervia (Salut à Toi) 0.6.1: XMPP blogging and more

goffi 14/07/2016, 20:19 jabber-xmpp-en projet GNU-Linux SàT Libre

The 0.6.1 release of Libervia (Salut à Toi) is out, and it is a big one (despite of the minor version number). The one which will follow — and is already well advanced — will be the « general public » release, or in other words we'll do what is necessary to have a release stable enough to be used seriously, and easy enough to install so the large public can enjoy it.

You can have a look at the changelog or the repository for more details, but here are the main changes and fixes:

  • import plugin which can be extended, with "importers" for Dotclear and DokuWiki. Please note that, thanks to the use of standards, this can be useful even if you're not using Libervia to display your blog (it's compatible with Movim for instance)

  • in addition to the Dotclear import, its wiki syntax is available for SàT too, it comes with the already available Markdown and XHTML.

  • automatic subscription to PubSub feeds for new accounts, this avoids an empty pages for newcomers

  • MAM (XEP-0313) is implemented for PubSub, this allows to go back in publication history and to search in a more flexible and powerful way. Note that MAM is not available yet for instant messaging, it's planed for 0.7

  • better detection of repository revision

  • jp (CLI) has now an option --output with who you can specify the output format (e.g. JSON so parsing by an other command is easy).

  • jp: new command to import a blog (import), (re-)edit a new/old publication (edit) or have a preview in real time (preview). We have published a tutorial in french to explain how to publish on your XMPP blog with Vim, Emacs or whatever else, any help to translate to English welcome

  • jp: commands to manage your roster: get it (get), have statistic on it (stats), or clean it (purge)

  • jp: the command "message" has been moved to "message send" to be coherent with other commands, and because a "message get" should come in the future

  • Primitivus (console interface): paste detection (a validation is needed in this case, this avoid sending a bad text like a password by mistake), and handling of "bracketed paste mode"

  • Libervia (web interface): a new option "allow_registration" allows to deactivate the new account registration page, specially useful if you are alone on your instance, or if you create accounts by your own means

  • Libervia: a new pop-up with a counter is displayed if connection with server is lost

  • Libervia: new favicon with a notification counter

  • Libervia: connection with an external jid is fixed

  • Libervia: it is now possible to redirect pages or to integrate a local directory in Libervia. That's used to display directly the blog instead of the login page on

  • Libervia: TLS chains are now handled (hello Let's Encrypt)

  • Libervia (blog): tags are now handled, including search

  • we have also updated and improved our Docker images, so you can easily install and test Libervia. Please check the wiki page with the explanations.

This is a summary of 0.6.1, but it is not covering everything!

Salut à Toi is an ethical project is staying away from big proprietary companies, if you feel like helping it contact us by email (contact at salut-a-toi d.o.t org) or on our XMPP MUC room. We need more hands!

The 0.6.1 is the last one before the "general public" one and has its issues to be improved. Don't hesitate to report them so that the 0.7 will be rock solid :)

The 0.7 will go through beta testing phase, and will bring in particular:

  • refactoring of messages, which will be needed to implement a lot of extensions which were blocked until now, like last message correction, or server side messages archives (MAM). This part is already finished, and you can see below an example of an experimental language detection plugin for Primitivus (based on langid):

language detection and filtering on Primitivus

  • Cagou, the new desktop/mobile devices frontend that we have promised after the success on our crowdfunding campain. The development is advanced, a post about it should arrive soon.

  • blog and messaging gateways

Beside all this, there is a good probability that we implement new end 2 end encryption system, in addition to the already available OTR. We specially think about OpenPGP and OMEMO.

Cagou(SàT): development progress of the desktop and Android XMPP frontend

goffi 14/03/2017, 21:56 SàT projet libre GNU-linux jabber-xmpp-en

Salut à Vous !

It's been a little more that one year now that the crowdfunding campain has been successfuly completed, and that we have promised to develop a new Desktop/Android frontend for "Salut à Toi", our Multipurpose, multi frontend communication tool based on XMPP.

It's time for an overview of the state of the development. You'll find below a link to the first .apk (pre-alpha), FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY.

Cagou (SàT)

As we've already announced, the new Desktop/mobiles (Android only for now) frontend will be named "Cagou", a wind to the Kivy framework that we're using, and to this endemic bird of New Caledonia, which bark and can't fly.

Oh, and yes we know that "Cagou" has different meaning in different languages.


This part is technical, you can go directly to the next one if you're not interested.

After a short time to get familiar with the Kivy ecosystem, the first step has been to integrate "Quick Frontend", which is a common base that we are using, as you guess, to quickly develop a frontend and factorise the code (cache handling, contact list – or "roster" in XMPP world –, widgets, etc.), then to integrate the "bridge" which is the name that we are using for the IPC and which handle the communication between the backend (which is the heart of SàT) and the frontends.

This phase went relatively well, and was followed by a thought on the architecture and user interface.

Once all of this was more or less usable, the Android port could began.

Things have been a big more complicated there. The Kivy community has created several tools to develop on this platform, including python-for-android (compilation and archive creation tool), and Buildozer (multi-platform tool to facilitate the use of the first one). Using these tools take some efforts, specially for a project already well advanced (it's far more easy if you start directly with Kivy and the Android port).

There a 2 "chains" for developing on Android: the old and the new one. After the first unsuccessful tries with the new one, it has been temporarly put aside for the old one, the time to build the foundations of the port.

Pure Python dependencies can be imported easily, but as soon as it get more complicated, you'll have to creates "recipes" to tell how to build something to python-for-android. Fortunately, most of those needed for SàT (Twisted in particular) were already available, and just needed to be updated.

After all this dependencies and building chain problems solved, and after the joy to see the first .apk (no working), 2 other big troubles showed up: D-Bus which is the main "bridge" is not usable on Android, and how to have the backend and the frontend running together?

Being my first Android development, I've had to read a lot or documentation (which luckily is not lacking), and after a first try with a bridge "embedded", allowing to have backend and frontend in the same process, it's finally a new "pb" bridge which solved the issue. "pb" stands for "Perspective Broker", the Twisted IPC. Android native IPC is an other option to be evaluated in the future.

To launch the backend, Kivy comes with modules to start it as an Android service. With it, the backend can stay in background and process messages and other activities when the frontend is not visible to the user (which means frozen until the user show it again on Android).

This section is already long, so I'll skip other problems (like the lack of HTML widget), and let's now talk about the UI.


At the moment Cagou is usable on desktop (GNU/Linux, but other platforms will most certainly follow), and on Android.

The current release is a pre-alpha, the .apk is available below, only to have a rough idea of the software. It is really bugged, doesn't check yet server certificates, doesn't handle SRV record on Android, etc. This is linked for 2 reasons: showing the progress, and having feedbacks early enought to go in the right direction.

You can't create account from the application (this will come before the release), so if you have no account yet you can use Libervia(SàT), the demo instance of our web frontend, to create one.

main concepts

Cagou's UI take inspiration from the excelent Blender. The widget selection and splitting are the most obvious examples. The huge bars that you can see should disappear later in favor of a small button, which may follow Blender example again. The goal here is that a newcomer can switch widgets intuitively, and an advanced user can use this splitting feature.

widgets split

The contacts list is not the central element in the interface, it can be displayed if wanted, but it's not needed to use Cagou.

The upper menu, which is for now always visible, will certainly be only available on Desktop. On Android the menu button or a floating touch one should replace it before the release.

If you have notifications, they should appear for a couple of second on the top, but you can read them later by touching the cagou head on the upper left.

notification in Cagou

If there is an event needing user action (for instance a website needs your authorisation with XMPP), an other cagou will appear on the right, and the dialog will only appear after touching it. The idea is to never have an unwanted popup stealing the focus when you are doing something else: popups are displayed only with explicit user action.

In Android case, it may be replaced by the native notification system in the future, but it's not decided yet because notifications history would not be available anymore.

To change the mode (widget), you just have to click on the upper left button in the current widget. Only 4 widgets are available so far: the selector which display all widgets available, the settings, the contact list, and the chat. Other are planed, notabily the blogging one.

widget/mode selection

Inside a widget (only for chat so far), you can swipe horizontaly to switch between active conversations.

widget swipe in Cagou

For now it's not easy to use the first time (you have to do a very quick swipe), it needs some tuning.

As for other SàT parts, Cagou is thought since the beginning to work with plugins and being easy to extend. All the widgets and file transmitting system (see below) are plugins.

instant messaging (chat)

As we want a frontend usable on small screens, which is simple but without making sacrifice on features, we have to find a compromise between data displayed on the screen and the elements/buttons needed for actions. Too many elements will make the UI more complicated and take room, but not enough will make the actions more difficult to do.

The current design (which can evolve) has a header with an input bar and a button (in addition to widget selection button), the body with messages, and a bottom input bar with a button too.

To talk with one or more contact(s), type some letters belonging to its name (anywhere in the name). For now, only identifiers ("jid") and already opened talks are looked for, but later the search will include names, nicknames and bookmarks.

contact selection for instant messagin

Cagou detect if you want to talk to a single person, or to a group chat room, and will act consequently.

The end 2 end encryption is there, but only with OTR (v2) for the moment. OX (modern OpenPGP) and OMEMO are planed, but it's not sure that they will be available for the next release (they may be there for the following one, 0.8). To use it, you just have to click on the lock, it will be closed if the chat is encrypted, and will have a question mark if your contact is not authenticated.

Let's go directly to the input bar. You'll see on the right a "+" button, click on it and you'll have a sending dialog.

This dialog has 2 buttons on the top, with which you can choose between uploading the file or sending it directly using peer 2 peer. A text under them explain in simple language where your file will go, and if encryption is done (for now all files are sent unencrypted).

This text message is important to let the user understand where the data are transiting, it's the kind of information we plan to put in several locations.

file sending dialog on Android

The buttons below are the various transmitting options. On desktop, you can only use a file browser (for now), but on Android you can also send a picture from your gallery, take a new photo or a video, or record a voice message.

He is a screenshot of voice recording:

recording a voice message

around Cagou

In addition to the work on Cagou itself, other things have been done.

A now mandatory feature with the explosion of mobile devices, carbon copy has been implemented. Server archives is implemented for long fot blogging, but not yet for chat messages, it will be done before the stable release.

Small binary files handling ("BoB" for "Bits of Binary") is now available. Implentation has been motivated by its use on the friend project Movim.

Delivery receipts and HTTP authentification have been contributed by Chteufleur.

Since the 0.6.1 version, messages handling has been improved, making now possible to implement features like last message correction, planed for the release.

Lastly, component (for gateways) and static blogs have also been implemented, but we'll talk about this later.


SàT is a huge project with strong ethical values (check the social contract), and it need help! It can be as easy as coming to talk with us (our room is at, also availble by clicking here).

If you can, financial aid would of course be useful, we have recently opened an account on the excellent Liberapay.

You can also join us in our association, all informations are available here

And of course contributions are useful, specially development but also translations, icons, CSS, etc. Most of the coding is done in Python, and working on SàT is working on a tool you may use everyday. You'll not find us on big centralised forges, but we are in the process of modernising our development tools (more to come on that).

Talk about our association and project around you is always useful.

I think the most important things have been said, I'll try to keep you up to date with shorted posts.

Oh, and the link with the pre-alpha version (once again: FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY):

Collective radio (with video)

goffi 02/02/2012, 00:00 GNU-Linux jabber-xmpp-en SàT projet Libre

G'day everybody

after the shell pipe over XMPP, here is a new feature in "Salut à Toi": collective radio.

The idea is: you are in a chat room with a common playlist, and everybody can add a song to the playlist. The song is played simultaneously for everybody, making it a collective radio experiment.

So far, there are maximum 2 songs in queue, as soon as one song is played, anybody can add a new one. In the future, we can imagine a more sophisticated system to choose who can add a song in queue (e.g. each one in turn, with a vote if songs played are appreciated, or with a game: the one who can answer a quiz question can choose next song).

Maybe in the future we'll see thematic rooms: jazz, rock, experimental, discovery, song with nice lyrics, etc. Or maybe we'll spend some evenings with friends, each one adding nice songs after the other, or playing blind test. We can also imagine party were everybody can participate to the playlist.
If in addition you use it on your phone: you are your own radio disc jockey :)

Following is a video showing the current implementation of the proof of concept, it's in french but quite easy to understand.

For the record: I'll be in Brussels next weekend for the FOSDEM, where I'll make a demo of the project at the XSF stand; don't hesitate to come to have a chat :). In addition I'll have a short talk in the devroom on saturday evening (18:00), you can have more information by clicking on this link.

To play the video, you nead a recent browser (e.g. Firefox 4+ or the last Chromium).
You can also use VLC (>=1.1 only), by using this url as a flux:

Last but not least, you can use mplayer: mplayer ""

This video is licensed under Creative Common BY-SA

Movim Network 16/03/2012, 15:23

Hello ! We need to interconnect with some other social networks, if they wish to do. We really think a social network can't stay alone.

You could discover us on our Wiki or come to speak with us on our Mailing List (not very active, don't hesitate to post)

There is also a MUC XMPP but we aren't always on it

Vincent, french coordinator of communications of the Movim Project

author website

Libervia (Salut à Toi) 0.6.0 : decentralized blog and more

goffi 03/12/2015, 23:26 jabber-xmpp-en SàT

We are pleased to announce the 0.6.0 of Libervia (Salut à Toi).

Salut à Toi is a “Swiss Army knife” of communication : a multipurpose, multi frontend, free (as in freedom) and decentralised communication tool, and Libervia is it's web frontend.

With it you can publish publicly or to a private group, do end-to-end encryption for instant messaging, share files, play games, etc.

For this release there has been a lot of work on blogging/microblogging, and we can now enjoy a decentralized blogging system, with template engine, tags, etc. Being based on XMPP, we can communicate with projects like Movim or Jappix

P2P file sharing has also been improved with the implementation of the Jingle protocol.

A lot of others feature have been worked on, like a Docker image, HTTP upload, visual improvements, etc.

You can see the release announce on, a blog hosted on a Libervia instance.

We are in the last day of our crowdfunding campain, so if you want to help us to port the project on desktop and Android, it is *really* the time !

official website:
crowdfunding: last day !
Feel free to contact us:

The “Salut à Toi” team