Libervia (Salut à Toi) 0.6.0 : decentralized blog and more

goffi il y a 8 ans jabber-xmpp-en SàT

We are pleased to announce the 0.6.0 of Libervia (Salut à Toi).

Salut à Toi is a “Swiss Army knife” of communication : a multipurpose, multi frontend, free (as in freedom) and decentralised communication tool, and Libervia is it's web frontend.

With it you can publish publicly or to a private group, do end-to-end encryption for instant messaging, share files, play games, etc.

For this release there has been a lot of work on blogging/microblogging, and we can now enjoy a decentralized blogging system, with template engine, tags, etc. Being based on XMPP, we can communicate with projects like Movim or Jappix

P2P file sharing has also been improved with the implementation of the Jingle protocol.

A lot of others feature have been worked on, like a Docker image, HTTP upload, visual improvements, etc.

You can see the release announce on, a blog hosted on a Libervia instance.

We are in the last day of our crowdfunding campain, so if you want to help us to port the project on desktop and Android, it is *really* the time !

official website:
crowdfunding: last day !
Feel free to contact us:

The “Salut à Toi” team