Libervia (Salut à Toi) 0.6.1: XMPP blogging and more

goffi il y a 8 ans jabber-xmpp-en projet GNU-Linux SàT Libre

The 0.6.1 release of Libervia (Salut à Toi) is out, and it is a big one (despite of the minor version number). The one which will follow — and is already well advanced — will be the « general public » release, or in other words we'll do what is necessary to have a release stable enough to be used seriously, and easy enough to install so the large public can enjoy it.

You can have a look at the changelog or the repository for more details, but here are the main changes and fixes:

  • import plugin which can be extended, with "importers" for Dotclear and DokuWiki. Please note that, thanks to the use of standards, this can be useful even if you're not using Libervia to display your blog (it's compatible with Movim for instance)

  • in addition to the Dotclear import, its wiki syntax is available for SàT too, it comes with the already available Markdown and XHTML.

  • automatic subscription to PubSub feeds for new accounts, this avoids an empty pages for newcomers

  • MAM (XEP-0313) is implemented for PubSub, this allows to go back in publication history and to search in a more flexible and powerful way. Note that MAM is not available yet for instant messaging, it's planed for 0.7

  • better detection of repository revision

  • jp (CLI) has now an option --output with who you can specify the output format (e.g. JSON so parsing by an other command is easy).

  • jp: new command to import a blog (import), (re-)edit a new/old publication (edit) or have a preview in real time (preview). We have published a tutorial in french to explain how to publish on your XMPP blog with Vim, Emacs or whatever else, any help to translate to English welcome

  • jp: commands to manage your roster: get it (get), have statistic on it (stats), or clean it (purge)

  • jp: the command "message" has been moved to "message send" to be coherent with other commands, and because a "message get" should come in the future

  • Primitivus (console interface): paste detection (a validation is needed in this case, this avoid sending a bad text like a password by mistake), and handling of "bracketed paste mode"

  • Libervia (web interface): a new option "allow_registration" allows to deactivate the new account registration page, specially useful if you are alone on your instance, or if you create accounts by your own means

  • Libervia: a new pop-up with a counter is displayed if connection with server is lost

  • Libervia: new favicon with a notification counter

  • Libervia: connection with an external jid is fixed

  • Libervia: it is now possible to redirect pages or to integrate a local directory in Libervia. That's used to display directly the blog instead of the login page on

  • Libervia: TLS chains are now handled (hello Let's Encrypt)

  • Libervia (blog): tags are now handled, including search

  • we have also updated and improved our Docker images, so you can easily install and test Libervia. Please check the wiki page with the explanations.

This is a summary of 0.6.1, but it is not covering everything!

Salut à Toi is an ethical project is staying away from big proprietary companies, if you feel like helping it contact us by email (contact at salut-a-toi d.o.t org) or on our XMPP MUC room. We need more hands!

The 0.6.1 is the last one before the "general public" one and has its issues to be improved. Don't hesitate to report them so that the 0.7 will be rock solid :)

The 0.7 will go through beta testing phase, and will bring in particular:

  • refactoring of messages, which will be needed to implement a lot of extensions which were blocked until now, like last message correction, or server side messages archives (MAM). This part is already finished, and you can see below an example of an experimental language detection plugin for Primitivus (based on langid):

language detection and filtering on Primitivus

  • Cagou, the new desktop/mobile devices frontend that we have promised after the success on our crowdfunding campain. The development is advanced, a post about it should arrive soon.

  • blog and messaging gateways

Beside all this, there is a good probability that we implement new end 2 end encryption system, in addition to the already available OTR. We specially think about OpenPGP and OMEMO.