File sharing landing in next release of Salut à Toi

goffi pred 6 rokmi SàT XMPP jabber-xmpp-en project

Last big feature before the preparation of alpha release, file sharing is now available for Salut à Toi.

SàT has been able to send or receive files for years, either directly when 2 people are connecting at the same time, or via an HTTP upload on the server. It is now possible to share a file hierarchy, or in other words one or several directories. There are 2 main uses cases: using a component, or a client.

sharing a directory with Cagou

Sharing directory with client

The first way to use file sharing is from device to device. It can be used, for instance, to share pictures taken from your phone with your desktop computer, or to quickly give access to discussion papers to your coworkers. To handle permissions, you just have to give the JIDs (XMPP identifiers) of allowed people.

The transfer is using Jingle technology, which will choose the best way to send the file. That means that if you are on the same local network (e.g. the previous case of sharing your phone picture with desktop computer, when you're at home), the connection will stay local, and the server will only see the signal (the data needed to establish the connection).

But if your devices are not on the same local area network, connection is still doable, and it will try to be direct when possible.

file sharing with a client

Above you can see how easy it is to share a directory with Cagou, the desktop/Android frontend of Salut à Toi.

File sharing component

SàT can now act as a component (which is more or less a generic server plugin), and a first one allows a user to upload, list and retrieve files.

This is really handy when you want to keep some files private for later use (and access it from any device), or to share a photo album, for instance, with your family.

This is on the way to a service similar to "cloud storage", except that you may keep control on your data.

file sharing with a component

As you can see, it's pretty similar to the workflow with client.

With the invitation system now available in SàT, you can even share with people without account.

Some notes

File transfer is currently unencrypted, but encryption is planed soon, either with OX (OpenPGP) or OMEMO.
The base feature is there and working, but some improvements are planed at more or less short term: quotas, files synchronization, e2e encryption, advanced search.


You'll find instruction on how to use this feature on the wiki.

Of course you'll need to use development version, don't hesitate to ask for help on SàT room : (or via browser).

A package is now available for Cagou on AUR for Arch Linux, thanks to jnanar.

Help needed!

SàT is a huge project, with a strong ethical root. It's unique in many ways, and needs a lot of work. You may help its success either by supporting us on Liberapay or by contributing (check official website or join our room for details).

Next post will be about alpha release, stay connected ;)